Board meetings are one of the most valuable things that your board can do for your organization. They can help you make decisions faster improve productivity and time management skills, improve collaboration and bring your business closer to its goals.
Yet, they can also be long boring, confusing, and confusing. This is because a lot of boards don’t have the right structure, schedule of meetings or agenda, and even when they do, they’re typically not organized in a way that encourages maximum participation and effectiveness.
A key to a successful board meeting is having an agenda that clearly spells out the content planned for the meeting, and also provides all necessary documentation in advance of the session. It is crucial to limit the amount of items that are on the agenda and to avoid reusing items from one meeting into the next.
Concentrate on issues and challenges of a strategic nature, rather than those that are strictly operational. This will stimulate board members’ varied abilities and interests, helping you to draw on the full potential of their energy to engage in discussions.
The board should be given the opportunity to discuss and vote on strategies that move your company closer to its objectives as well as defining and discussing specific metrics to measure the progress. This can be achieved by appointing a ‘KPI’ to every strategy. For instance, the retention rate of donors or clients and the amount of money that is earned. Keeping these discussions focused on the most important issues that your company faces will increase the value of each and every moment of your board meetings.
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